As stated in the working group of the ALLVET project from the Narxoz University: the working group meets monthly to discuss the results achieved, operational planning, and discuss project issues for all work packages. So this time the meeting was held in accordance with the agenda, at the same time combining a working meeting and an interesting event: participation in the filming of a film about our project.
Taking into account the fact that in the fall of 2021 there will be an exhibition of the results of the TEMPUS and Erasmus + projects in Kazakhstan, annually held by the Erasmus + National Office in Kazakhstan, a collective decision of the Kazakhstani consortium of steel:
1. preparation of a film about the project with the inclusion of a block of interviews with members of the Kazakhstani team;
2. a special issue of the magazine about the ALLVET project;
3. preparation of an information poster and presentation on the educational blocks of the project.
So, the first step was the initiative of the IITU team to conduct a video filming of the members of Kazakhstan teams of the ALLVET project, as well as an interview prepared on the basis of a scenario previously approved by all coordinators.
The team of Narxoz University thoroughly prepared for the shooting, in which the director of the economic college of Narxoz University, scientific consultant of the ALLVET project - Sataev Sanat Akylzhanovich also became a special guest.
Filming in Narxoz was dynamic both in the ALLVET laboratory and on the campus, and there are inclusive members in the Narxoz University project team who also took part in the filming.
The whole process took place in a friendly, constructive way, we will wait for a film about the project in the near future, which will become an important block in the dissemination of the project not only in Kazakhstan, but also in Central Asia.