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International Week SWIU - 2021

Mukhanova Gaini coordinator of the ALLVET project under the Erasmus + program (HE and VET alliance establishment according to Bologna Principals implementation via VET teachers' capacity building - 609952-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) within the framework of the organized by the International University Silk Way (Shymkent, Kazakhstan) events - "International Week SWIU - 2021" March 29, 2021 held a Workshop on the topic "Creating an alliance of HE and TVE in accordance with the implementation of the principles of the Bologna process through increasing the potential of TVE teachers: life hacks of synergy of ideas, results projects TEMPUS and Erasmus + ”.
The heads of the international departments of universities from the countries of Central Asia, Russia, Latvia took part.
Many listeners became interested in the project and have already expressed a desire to take part in the project on a volunteer basis.
Rector of the International University Silk Way M.A. Zharkinbekov personally expressed gratitude to Mukhanova Gaini for active participation in the virtual session "SILKWAY INTERNATIONAL WEEK-202I".