At the meeting, many important issues were discussed, the key of which is summing up the results of the first year of project implementation. In general, the following issues were considered during the country meeting:
1. Results of the 1st year of the project.
2. Status of financial statements: readiness, corrections and completion of a complete package of financial statements.
3. Status of reports on the work package: Dissemination & Exploitation.
4. Dissemination strategy: plans for 2021 and a mini-seminar on the use of various tools to promote information about the project.
5. Status of processing comments and analysis of the semiannual quality control report.
6. Quality control strategy: thesis recommendations, plans for 2021 ..
7. Status for the purchase of equipment.
8. Discussion of issues on WP2 "Development" (p. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4).
8.1. Development of author's ECTS trainings based on courses from Deusto University and their piloting - on the Moodle platform.
8.2. Proposals for the impact and sustainability of the project (with the possibility of commercializing project results - extra-outcomes).
9. Plans for 2021, additions and comments to the calendar plan for 2021.
10. Preparation for advisory monitoring for May 2021.
11. Holding the conference on March 30, 2021
12. Miscellaneous
All participants actively proposed ideas, discussed the entire range of issues on the agenda, vividly discussed plans and prospects.