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Erasmus+ Day

On October 16, 2020 Mukhanova Gaini presented the project ALLVET (HE and VET alliance establishment according to Bologna Principals implementation via VET teachers’ capacity building - 609952-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) in the format of PechaKucha at Narxoz University within the Erasmus+ Day.
Representatives of International Development and Partnership Department, teachers, researchers, employees of Narxoz University heard with great interest the information about the project, its goals and objectives, dynamics of development and the main thing: the impact of the project on the development of higher education in Kazakhstan, the possibilities of cooperation and strengthening of the interaction between universities and colleges, the system of professional education in the country, the prospects for implementation of the results and the system of TVET in Central Asia, because interest in the project is high and its relevance for the country.

2020-10-16 11:10 News Narxoz Global EN